Monday, January 28, 2008

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Friday, January 25, 2008

dorky animator humour

And a caricature of my uni lecturers

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Super Fantastic Colour Chaos!!!@!#!@#

Well i decided to do a silly watercolour of Brian, using bright block colours. It's technically pretty awful, but if you stand back far enough it actually looks kinda cool!


Monday, January 7, 2008

More Wilson

2 more drawings of Brian. He has an interesting mouth.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Well my guitar finally has 6 strings again, so I've been getting back into The Beach Boys to learn some more of those wonderful progressions. I watched 'Beautiful Dreamer' for the tenth time today, the doco about Brian the making of SMiLE, so I did some sketches of him. There is an old boney Brian, a stretch faced Brian, and a slightly more accurate Brian. The only one I'm really happy with is the profile of him as an old man. Anywho, I think my next watercolour adventure will have something to do with Brian Wilson.

Surf's Up!

Pig Dog Men

I wanted to paint a fat old man face, and it somehow morphed into a dog face with a man mouth and pig ears. Then I did a different coloured skinny transvestite pig dog man to balance it out.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I'm messing around with watercolours again

This one was done with pencils. It's some kind of long-necked upper-class man beast turning out of curiosity in a forest or something. Perhaps another man beast has caught his attention.