Friday, July 4, 2008

rough demo reel

this is some of the stuff i've done at uni so far, thrown together kinda dodgily.


Poor Tom said...

Nice work! I enjoy mostly the man jumping the hamburger.

bn said...

Haha! Loved it. Awesome choice of music. If I was in a position to hire you I would have no reservations in saying I would consider you for a position, providing one were available. Would you consider a no-pay internship? Or-r-r, we could organise for you to have your own desk and you could watch us work? I dunno, these are our options. They're on the table, take 'em or leave 'em. In fact, leave 'em, there are no positions available.

Emily Nelson said...

I really enjoyed your demo reel! cool!! (also cool music... I know it from Life Aquatic hehe).
I enjoyed your snippets of animation very much - I really like your style!
Also... is that Erin spinning around in one of your animations?
I look forward to seeing how the whales go!